Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Awareness through out the week =D

It been a long 3 weeks away from work... apparently I am still out stationed but with a privilege of having my laptop with me today.

So I am just gonna do some light blogging and sharing about some of my recent learnings.

Despite working day and night for these few weeks, I still manage take up some time to just run through my social media channels for the sake of catching up what has been going on lately. 

Well recently one major news struck me hard as I browse through my Facebook wall. The death of the 40 year old lead actor of the Fast & Furious franchise, Paul Walker. Certainly it was big shock for me as I am a Fast & Furious hardcore fan. Seeing one of my favour leading actor pass on ironically through a car accident; it just stumbled me so much and had to thinking about past event and moments that I lost some close people around me. 

Again with such news, reminds me again of how life is so unpredictable. But I guess that is the very core truth to our lives that life is always unpredictable,it is just we are so deluded and so ignorant of that true fact because it contains so much uncertain, insecurity and fear behind it. But that is the very truth in life; what we seemed that is so organised and well plan can just be ended by a split second. Just like what happen to Paul Walker's case. 

Along our daily lives, we have been programmed by our brain to function in a way that everything is well planned and organised and we are to execute the similar task daily. But every once in a while when our norm is being disrupted by some outside matter, we would normally tensed up because we lost control of the whole situation. 

But this is all because we are so being controlled by our conditioned function of our brain. Same like any habits, as we repeat more of the things we do in our daily life the more attach we are towards the flow of the process if there is any changes done we would not be able to adapt towards it in an immediate way. We are so numb with our daily activities and we are all doing things through auto pilot mode. 

Life is all about experiencing new things everyday, view things in a new angle, a new perspective. If life is always the same and we live in an auto pilot state, we would be like living zombies in a way. just cruising through our life everyday via the program that is deeply embedded into our brains. But as we see everyday as a new day, a new beginning, a new perspective, things will gradually change and whatever hits us the impact would be lessened. 

It is those who lives out from their comfort zone that progress but not those who stay put at the very same place. Being renewed with a new mind set everyday and the possibilities in life will widen up too. 

Well thats all for today's sharing, there will be more cool stuff coming up as I will have more free time after these few weeks of busy schedule. 

Today is our best day !! 


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