Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving on from previous relationship

Relationships are a core for connection for all human beings, since our younger days we have already been caught up with relationship issues.

Some wants to start a relationship ...
Some yearns for one ...
Some pursues for one ....

Well in terms of relationship in this context I will narrow it to the very common heard boy and girl relationship. i remember I started my first ever relationship when I was 16 years old. And that did not end up so well, and along the way a lot of relationship come and pass by as well...

But today's post isn't about how many relationships I have been through but about the topic of letting go and moving on...

I'm sure this topic has been bothering not just me but also many of us, not knowing how to deal with all these memories of being with another person and suddenly they are just out from our lives. Things just doesn't seemed to be the same, reminiscence of these people are all around; places we go, people we meet, things we do. But this is normal because this is a process of healing and letting go.

Why do we feel that it is hard for us to let go?

  1. First of the reason would be that our brains will tell us that it will no longer be the same, without the presence of the other person in the midst of our lives. But the truth to that is, with or without the particular person in our lives, we are still living through our daily lives and going through our daily routine. So yea, we might feel that we are not used to it but still we still go on with our daily lives, the mind often find it hard to adapt with new things so take some time to let it adapt. 
  2. We are still clinging on the past. In our lives, there so many things that come and pass by this includes our relationship. What has pass has already passed and nothing can be done to turn back time and fix things. So why do we often still cling our emotions and feelings towards a time and moment which has already pass and no longer can be undone. All that we can do is focus on our present moment and keep walk ahead. 
  3. We are afraid, afraid to face the reality and it has come to an end. All the promises and plans made during the relationship period has all been shatter into pieces. The fear of not knowing how to face people around us, the fear of facing the disappointment that erupts from the high expectation of the relationship. Well, it is okay to be afraid; no body likes the feeling of failing and disappointment. Just allow yourself to be hurt and feel the pain fully for a period of time. Then stand up and continue to walk ahead. Everyone deserves to be fragile once in awhile. 
  4. Old possessions that might stir up memories. This often happens to me, as in my previous relationships I do get a lot of gifts from my girlfriends. Some are just too precious to be thrown away, but whenever I see it, it just remind me of those times. So a way to solve this is to box everything up and store it in a store room or somewhere that you might not bother to look for it. Yes you treasure those moments but at some point you just gotta let it go and move on. 
  5. Trying to forget. This sentence if often heard around me all the time, "I am trying to forget him/her, but it needs time" well this is partially true only. Nothing can be completely be erased from our mind, only as time passes by those memories become more and more vague and less clear. THe key to overcome this is to catch hold on the good moments and just leave it as such. During a photo shoot, a photographer will choose the best angle to take the photo despite how the condition of the surroundings is. We can never forget things completely all we can do is just to shift our feelings to a more positive side whenever these memories strikes us. 

It is always hard for us to get over things that we are so comfortable with, what more a person that has been around us for such a long time, sharing good and bad memories together; and suddenly the person is out from our lives. But fear not as these are just normal process that everyone will go through eventually.

Everything happens for a reason, and behind everything there is always something good that we can learn from it.

'Letting go is not a painful process, but a graceful process where we set ourselves free from the clutches and chains from the past. It is only when our hearts are no longer chained up, then new doors will open up. ' 

For anyone that is going through this phase; just wanted to tell all of you that you are doing just fine and everything will get better and better =)

Today is our BEST DAY~~

Cheers ~

Monday, August 26, 2013

The choice of our words.

Hey peeps,

Here is some thought of the day....

Something just struck me recently that gotten me thinking so much; people's justification or should I put say people's opinions and comment on others.

I grew up as a weird kid due to my Tourette Syndrome, people made fun of me because of that all the time until the extend that I was constantly being bullied and being teased around till I finish my high school days.

After those day I thought that the society would be more gentle and kind to me, but I was really wrong like super wrong. I here today not to pin point out who's wrong and stuff but just to share some thoughts about all these comments and insults that people often give to others.

In our daily lives, how often do we get mocked, insulted, teased, make fun by others ? or vice versa; how often we do these to other people?

People always like to look at thing from their very own perspective and anything that is out from their context they will conclude that that is social unacceptable. This applies to over 99% of the human population is urban society nowadays.

Take an simple example scenario of myself,
Recently I just dye my hair and change my hair do. Well that's for personal interest of course *plus the hair style doesn't look bad at all =p* However, there are just some people(no names mentioned) who always would put up with saying things like man you look ugly, disgusting and etc stuff. And they expect me to be okay with it and if I acted angry and upset they would just say that I have a small heart and often take things too serious.

But here's the thing, if I was the one that say it out they might just reacted and say that I am mean and stuff too. So these made me wonder so much, why do people act like that. It is just so upsetting to see people nowadays are so mean and pointless. They inflict pain on others just to provide joy and fun for them.

And how many times did we do that to others ? how many times did we use our own perspective to judge others ? just because majority of us are the common people with common features doesn't make those that are slightly different from us not humans. We are all the same and yet we still mock each other for no specific reason except that it feels fun.

The mind set of this generation is rotten and people just like to act like they are mr and mrs know it all and give statements that most of the time doesn't make a point at all.

So yea, why waste time doing such things and inflict pain to other? I have a friend that committed suicide because of his overly depression and the fact that people around him says stuff about him and hardly can accept him. I was one of those who are socially weird and awkward too, getting made fun of and being bullied, if I hadn't knew God in my life guess which path would I walk down to?

Sometimes it is funny to give names and laugh at others or to give harsh statements to others, but reality is these people that do all these things are just people that has low self esteem and they do all these so that they feel like they are in power and better then others. So, at the end of the day, just take sometime and reflect upon how often did we give off such comments that cause pain to others? sometimes it will be ok, but we would never know some words that we say might just end up ruining a persons entire life.

"So choose our words wisely and don't do unto others things that you don't want others to do to you." 

Today is OUR best Day =D

Cheers !

Just back from working trip

Hey peeps,

Sorry for the long not updated blog... was away on a working trip...

Will get up new blog articles soon =D

Till then, peace out =p

Today is our best day !!

Cheers =D

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Little Things about myself

Hello peeps,

It's a great day today, and since it's such an awesome day just wanna drop by and say hi and same time share some stuff about me.

As you might not know anything about me, I have a quite interesting past time hobby whenever I am alone.

And my hobby is to cook and make good food to eat... (that explains why I gain weight over the months =p)

Here is some snap shot of my lovely work =D

Minced meat and tomato and chili spaghetti

Simple Fruit & Vege Salad 

Noodles and Butter covered with cheese mashed potatoes 

Grill Pork Bacon Chunks and Vegetable

Simple prawn, bacon and onion pepper fried rice & and glass of wine =) 

Food in process.. *yummy* 

Occasion Steambot with family outside house yard 

Salmon =D 

Homemade style tortila's 

Grill chicken and fries 

Full set of homemade warps with mushroom gravy
Homemade tom yum noodles =D 

These are some of the food that I cook whenever I am free and whenever I feel like eating in while enjoying movies and tv series in my room =) 

That's all for today, till next time.. 

Today is our BEST day!!! 

Cheers ~~ 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Right Wrong Decisions?

In our life we often stumble on a lot of choices to make... 

Some choices doesn't really matter...  

Some choices will affect the rest of our life's...

Hence, we often stuck ourselves into the pit of misery, surrounded by the frustrations and the overwhelm feeling that what if... what if we made the wrong choice.

However, there is a simple truth behind these choices; and the answer towards this frustration question that cause so many miseries to people is....

There is no right choice nor wrong choices in life. 

Often in life, we debate, discuss about what is right and what is wrong all the time. The mind set of thinking what if I do this; and what will happen if I do that. Well I myself had a share of these moments in my life too. I could still remember that I often blame myself for making the wrong choices in my life. Doing things that I am not proud of at all. Took me such a long time to let go and to even forgive myself. But one valuable lesson that I learn through my past is that there is never a right and wrong choice in life.

What is right ?

What is wrong ?

Is there any definite definition or answer to these 2 questions?
Well it is a very subjective question and of course the answer to these questions are subjective to the individual as well.

Take my experience for example, I am a kid that is born with talents in art and music, I love to write, draw, sing, play music instruments all the time; there was a point in life that I wanted to go for arts degree too. However, my parents think that I should be more realistic as a career in arts is not easy and doesn't earn that much unless you are like Picasso and stuff. So they claimed that choosing the art path is a path bound for hardship and poor life. And say choosing the right path would be going for the path in science. Overall I would say that taking science subjects was the worst decision I ever made, because I wasn't happy and I wasn't good at it at all. Hence, first part of my teenage life was quite a mess.

Lesson from this incident is that, yes technically there is right and wrong choices in life, but the right and wrong choices in life are not determined by others point of view, others comments; but it is determined by we ourselves, how our heart feels about it.

There is a famous quote that says, "Life is all about that choices we make!"  So how many choice that we make are really based on what OUR HEART tells us? Often we are so caught up with how others look as us, and same time stuck in between our heart and ego. And thus these are what I would say is wrong choices in life, choices that is made based on others opinion and others point of view. As we made such choices often we would not be happy because that is not what we want most of the time. We did it because we seek acknowledgement from people, we seek compliment from people.

So the conclusion is, ARE YOU aware of what CHOICES are you making today?  Is it for yourself and is it for others sake?

Choices that we make in our life is never about others, but its for ourselves..


Cheers ~~

Friday, August 2, 2013

Greetings from me =)

Hello people, 

First off just wanted to thank all the visitors that drop by this very new blog of mine. 
Keep dropping by more often as more post will be post up soon =) 

Thanks peeps till my next post (very soon) 

Peace out ~~