Monday, August 5, 2013

Right Wrong Decisions?

In our life we often stumble on a lot of choices to make... 

Some choices doesn't really matter...  

Some choices will affect the rest of our life's...

Hence, we often stuck ourselves into the pit of misery, surrounded by the frustrations and the overwhelm feeling that what if... what if we made the wrong choice.

However, there is a simple truth behind these choices; and the answer towards this frustration question that cause so many miseries to people is....

There is no right choice nor wrong choices in life. 

Often in life, we debate, discuss about what is right and what is wrong all the time. The mind set of thinking what if I do this; and what will happen if I do that. Well I myself had a share of these moments in my life too. I could still remember that I often blame myself for making the wrong choices in my life. Doing things that I am not proud of at all. Took me such a long time to let go and to even forgive myself. But one valuable lesson that I learn through my past is that there is never a right and wrong choice in life.

What is right ?

What is wrong ?

Is there any definite definition or answer to these 2 questions?
Well it is a very subjective question and of course the answer to these questions are subjective to the individual as well.

Take my experience for example, I am a kid that is born with talents in art and music, I love to write, draw, sing, play music instruments all the time; there was a point in life that I wanted to go for arts degree too. However, my parents think that I should be more realistic as a career in arts is not easy and doesn't earn that much unless you are like Picasso and stuff. So they claimed that choosing the art path is a path bound for hardship and poor life. And say choosing the right path would be going for the path in science. Overall I would say that taking science subjects was the worst decision I ever made, because I wasn't happy and I wasn't good at it at all. Hence, first part of my teenage life was quite a mess.

Lesson from this incident is that, yes technically there is right and wrong choices in life, but the right and wrong choices in life are not determined by others point of view, others comments; but it is determined by we ourselves, how our heart feels about it.

There is a famous quote that says, "Life is all about that choices we make!"  So how many choice that we make are really based on what OUR HEART tells us? Often we are so caught up with how others look as us, and same time stuck in between our heart and ego. And thus these are what I would say is wrong choices in life, choices that is made based on others opinion and others point of view. As we made such choices often we would not be happy because that is not what we want most of the time. We did it because we seek acknowledgement from people, we seek compliment from people.

So the conclusion is, ARE YOU aware of what CHOICES are you making today?  Is it for yourself and is it for others sake?

Choices that we make in our life is never about others, but its for ourselves..


Cheers ~~

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