Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving on from previous relationship

Relationships are a core for connection for all human beings, since our younger days we have already been caught up with relationship issues.

Some wants to start a relationship ...
Some yearns for one ...
Some pursues for one ....

Well in terms of relationship in this context I will narrow it to the very common heard boy and girl relationship. i remember I started my first ever relationship when I was 16 years old. And that did not end up so well, and along the way a lot of relationship come and pass by as well...

But today's post isn't about how many relationships I have been through but about the topic of letting go and moving on...

I'm sure this topic has been bothering not just me but also many of us, not knowing how to deal with all these memories of being with another person and suddenly they are just out from our lives. Things just doesn't seemed to be the same, reminiscence of these people are all around; places we go, people we meet, things we do. But this is normal because this is a process of healing and letting go.

Why do we feel that it is hard for us to let go?

  1. First of the reason would be that our brains will tell us that it will no longer be the same, without the presence of the other person in the midst of our lives. But the truth to that is, with or without the particular person in our lives, we are still living through our daily lives and going through our daily routine. So yea, we might feel that we are not used to it but still we still go on with our daily lives, the mind often find it hard to adapt with new things so take some time to let it adapt. 
  2. We are still clinging on the past. In our lives, there so many things that come and pass by this includes our relationship. What has pass has already passed and nothing can be done to turn back time and fix things. So why do we often still cling our emotions and feelings towards a time and moment which has already pass and no longer can be undone. All that we can do is focus on our present moment and keep walk ahead. 
  3. We are afraid, afraid to face the reality and it has come to an end. All the promises and plans made during the relationship period has all been shatter into pieces. The fear of not knowing how to face people around us, the fear of facing the disappointment that erupts from the high expectation of the relationship. Well, it is okay to be afraid; no body likes the feeling of failing and disappointment. Just allow yourself to be hurt and feel the pain fully for a period of time. Then stand up and continue to walk ahead. Everyone deserves to be fragile once in awhile. 
  4. Old possessions that might stir up memories. This often happens to me, as in my previous relationships I do get a lot of gifts from my girlfriends. Some are just too precious to be thrown away, but whenever I see it, it just remind me of those times. So a way to solve this is to box everything up and store it in a store room or somewhere that you might not bother to look for it. Yes you treasure those moments but at some point you just gotta let it go and move on. 
  5. Trying to forget. This sentence if often heard around me all the time, "I am trying to forget him/her, but it needs time" well this is partially true only. Nothing can be completely be erased from our mind, only as time passes by those memories become more and more vague and less clear. THe key to overcome this is to catch hold on the good moments and just leave it as such. During a photo shoot, a photographer will choose the best angle to take the photo despite how the condition of the surroundings is. We can never forget things completely all we can do is just to shift our feelings to a more positive side whenever these memories strikes us. 

It is always hard for us to get over things that we are so comfortable with, what more a person that has been around us for such a long time, sharing good and bad memories together; and suddenly the person is out from our lives. But fear not as these are just normal process that everyone will go through eventually.

Everything happens for a reason, and behind everything there is always something good that we can learn from it.

'Letting go is not a painful process, but a graceful process where we set ourselves free from the clutches and chains from the past. It is only when our hearts are no longer chained up, then new doors will open up. ' 

For anyone that is going through this phase; just wanted to tell all of you that you are doing just fine and everything will get better and better =)

Today is our BEST DAY~~

Cheers ~

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